Excellent work. Please ask the authors to prepare a layman's summary and I will post it all over LI, same as I have done with this information:


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I put your comments in my substack summary.

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Thanks for making accessible this truly scientific work. I would suggest to publish it in https://scienceofclimatechange.org/ journal

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I appreciate the time and effort expended to make this material accessible. A key part of Tom Shula's and Dr Ott's thesis is that 'thermalisation' is occurring within tens of metres of the earth's surface and thereafter energy transfer upwards through the atmosphere involves sensible heat and convection rather than radiation. If that is the case could this be measured, say with fast response low mass temperature sensors on balloons? And if this thermalisation process is occurring within tens of metres of the surface then experiments could be conducted inside tall test chambers which would also allow the effect of different quantities of infrared active gases to be studied. Do these suggestions make sense?

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This is the first time I’ve posted anything on Substack.

I watched the presentation on YouTube and made a comment.

I just wanted to say thank you Tom for all the work you’ve done to bring us so many interesting and talented people to our attention.

I thought that Tom Shula presented an interesting problem, which is, how to get people to at least look at something different from what they are told. Do you have any Tyson how this could happen?

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Awesome presentation! This channel is a must watch.

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Tom, please ask Tom Shula to get in touch with me. You have my email. Thanks.

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Enjoyed the podcast presentation (#232) by Shula. Well done. Anything that we can do to pump this up will be welcome.

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