We think alike; our backgrounds are similar educationally. I went to research in an industrial lab, doing mostly Physical Chemistry in practical applications. Great work, I had never heard of the Pirani gauge. I felt just as uncomfortable with the back radiative forcing stuff. I thought that was wrong. It did not "feel" right. I described it others as "thermal inertia" (clouds, humidity, etc. changing the heat capacity of dry clear air and slowing the transfer radiatively at the top of the atmosphere where radiating to space is the only heat outlet. As for added trace gases, the only effect I could visualize is that it makes the atmosphere just a tiny bit thicker. I tended to believe the mass of the earth and the value of "g" was more important than CO2.

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The comparison with the moon also gives the temperature that the earth's surface would be without an atmosphere and 400K is proof that the atmosphere keeps the earth cool.

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