What Martin is clearly puzzled by is what or who is really driving this madness and the various mass delusions. How can all of this be happening at the same time across western societies? The answer: it is 5th generation warfare, psyops, information warfare, all done through 3rd parties and proxies. Yuri Bezmenov told us how the Soviet Communists mastered it, now it CHINA'S Communsts. The Biden Regime, LibLabCon, Greens, Liberals, Washington Post, BBC, lefty journos, climate clots at Cop28 are all just useful idiots having their strings pulled by really clever proxies. Read 'Hidden Hand', the book is only a year old but already out of date as this rapidly changing, AI assisted war unfolds. Battlefields used to be strewn with broken bodies, now our schools, societies, families, high streets and places of work are strewn with BROKEN MINDS.

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Absolutely gobsmack eye opening and rather embarrasing to read for me. Im guilty of quite a bit of the accusations of 'the new class'. But my eyes opened about 8 years ago. Covid and climate alarm solidified it..

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This looks good. It’s late at night here in the UK so I’m going to bookmark it to read tomorrow when I’m stuck indoors due to the next band of rain!

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