Thank you all very much. Unfortunately, as one of the scientist in the documentary said, there is no chance that the beneficiaries of the hoax will ever give up. They are the only group of people I know of who hate good news more than, well, anything.

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Great movie, Tom! I will pass on for sure.

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Great movie, thank you for sharing this important information. People need to wake up to this massive criminal scam.

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It was very good, I have been sharing it.

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This is a powerful narrative dissecting environmentalism and its inhumanity.

Hats off to Tom Nelson and Martin Durkin. Great production values and intellectualism. Great voices to tell this shameful story.

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Loved the film!! Crystallises all the floors and lies in the climate change / net zero green scam!!

The sheep will dismiss it as “conspiracy” and “far right” and “pseudo science” and just go along with the narrative to just be “safe”!!! hopefully it will convince some in the middle or on the fence!!!

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Fabulous Movie. Must watch

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Excellent film Tom! And I'm glad you reference where the data came from in each case. Is there a detailed list of those references (journal etc.) available somewhere? I'm especially interested in looking into the link between solar waves from our sun and cosmic waves from elsewhere that do or don't get attenuated, and the decreased albedo the globe has been experiencing recently. I'm working on a follow up to this Substack post from last year. https://normanjansen.substack.com/climate-catastrophe

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Great job. Glad to see Will in his video go into the science in more detail. Would like to see a real simple explanation that carbon dioxide has already expended 98% of its GHE so most of the mass media is playing the game of extortion.

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Earth is cooler with the atmosphere, water vapor, 30% albedo not warmer.

Ubiquitous GHE heat balance graphics use bad math & badder physics.

The kinetic heat transfer modes of the contiguous atmospheric molecules render impossible a BB surface upwelling and looping “extra” LWIR energy for the GHE.

Consensus science has a well-documented history of being wrong & abusing those who dared to challenge it. (Bruno, drawn & quartered)

GHE & CAGW are wrong so alarmists resort to fear mongering, lies, lawsuits, censorship & violence.

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How was the movie production funded? The movie is great and all, but I am wondering who funded it and why.

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I’ll be putting this in front of students - their eyes are always open.

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Thanks for this info. As an ex-TV producer/director, I cannot fathom why Durkin didn't insert scientist's names and credentials when being interviewed throughout this film so the viewer has some chance or recognizing the scientific credibility of their statements as they're making them. I don't want to have to hunt and peck and go back through the documentary to write down the interviewee names so that when I refer this film to others I can list credentials and names so they don't just toss it in the trash file the second they see the topic.

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