Some notes from Climate Skeptic talk 7, 8/3/22
The audio (about 1 hour 50 minutes) is here.
Co-host was Joe Wellborn (@CupoJoeBlow); speakers included @tim_dunkerton, Michael Blair (@Michael71718318), @systemrename, @TheBogman28, @GrahamLKeegan, @WWakeUpTime, Raden (@VLQ28), @OyVeyIzhMir.
We discussed lots of interesting tweets from the last week. You should be able to see those tweets, at least for a while after the Space ends, by clicking on the audio link above.
Michael Blair urged us to read this substack post: (How much warmer can CO2 make Earth…The AGW cult just doesn't do the math on their own theory).
Lots of discussion about green utopia policy clashing hard against reality now and in the near future. Almost nobody believes in the climate scam enough to prioritize bad-weather-prevention efforts over their own ability to heat and cool their homes, travel, eat, etc.
Please join us again next Wednesday at the same time (3pm U.S. Central Time).