Some notes from Climate Skeptic talk 6, 7/27/22
The audio (about 77 minutes) is here.
Co-host was Joe Wellborn (@CupoJoeBlow); speakers @tim_dunkerton, @tmwillemse and others.
I mentioned doing my first podcast (with Chris Martz) this week. Here is the YouTube version. Chris has (deservedly) gotten rave reviews for his presentation of extreme weather data in this podcast.
I mentioned this Twitter thread with Soledad O’Brien. I think she sees her role, as a journalist, as someone who can “explain” climate change to skeptics, because she “gets it” and we don’t.
Joe shared a number of interesting tweets. I just realized that these shared tweets are accessible not only from within the Twitter app, but also when just listening to the Space later via a web browser.
Tim Dunkerton was on fire today. He emphasized again that we just don’t understand clouds, and an understanding of clouds is critical in the understanding of Earth’s climate.
@tmwillemse mentioned the importance of this WUWT article: 96% of U.S. temperature stations fail to meet “acceptable” standards.
Throughout the week, if you have a thought, tweet, news item, etc that should be mentioned at a Space, please DM me (@tan123) or co-host @CupoJoeBlow!